The entire world is facing a completely unprecedented crisis due to the spread of the Novel Corona Virus. Social distancing, one of the key components in the fight with this virus, is creating a challenging situation for our social institutions. Schools as prominent social institutions, are affected by it.
It’s the beginning of a new academic session, but with academic days getting lost, you may be wondering how you will catch up when the country overcomes the present situation. Don’t let this pressure and disquiet consume you. Rather, use this time to leverage certain untapped resources. We at Hill Grange is working on assignments that can be done at home to keep up wit the learning.
Download the assignment for the academic session 2020 – 2021 from the given link during the lock-down period . You are requested to study and complete the assignments during these days and submit it to the respective teachers when you come to school.
* The respective passwords to open the file will be sent to the respective registered mobile numbers.
** Worksheets will be submitted in class once school re-opens (.pdf or .doc/.docx).